Annie Hopper Program

Annie Hopper is a limbic system rehabilitation specialist and founder of the Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ (DNRS), a neuroplasticity-based treatment method for multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and many other chronic illnesses. Annie Hopper’s book about DNRS is called “Wired For Healing”. She offers an in person five day training as well as a fourteen hour DVD or on-line home study program. She recommends that for a minimum of six months an individual devote an hour a day to practicing the tools. Annie Hopper is a limbic system rehabilitation specialist and founder of the Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ (DNRS), a neuroplasticity-based treatment method for multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and many other chronic illnesses. Annie Hopper Program By ningflagepal1978 Follow Public She was a teenager, and her parents were concerned about the long-term treatments for Lyme, especially with antibiotic therapy. Follow along with Annie Hopper as she guides you through the revolutionary Dynamic Neural Retraining System™. Immediate access upon purchase – no shipping or waiting time Learn at your own pace Accessible on any computer or mobile device.

  1. Annie Hopper Pdf
  2. Annie Hopper Scam
  3. Annie Hopper Dnrs
  4. Annie Hopper Programs

Currently offered as a 5-day workshop in select towns across the United States, Canada, and beyond, as a 14-hour DVD series and as an online version.


From the DNRS website: The Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ workshops and DVD series reveal the science behind Limbic System impairments and prepare participants to critically engage with their condition.


The Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ is a drug free, self-directed, neuroplasticity-based treatment that is taught from a platform of environmental awareness. This intensive program is experiential in nature and focuses on normalizing the unconscious threat and survival mechanism within the limbic system of the brain. The program integrates components of cognitive-behaviour therapy, mindfulness based cognitive restructuring, emotional restructuring therapy, neural linguistic programming and incremental exposure and behavior modification therapy.

This mechanism-targeted behavioral intervention focuses on the training of a number of regulatory skills including attention focusing, attention distraction, cognitive reappraisal, emotional distancing, emotion regulation as well as experiential and incremental exposure therapy to contexts of perceived risk.

The DNRS program examines how various forms of trauma can affect the stress and protective mechanisms in the brain, how this affects overall health, and how this brain trauma manifests on physical, psychological, and emotional levels. Patients learn how to effectively interrupt the maladapted ‘fight-or-flight’ stress response and stop the flood of stress-initiated biochemicals that activate cytokine activity and inflammation. Patients also learn to remap the neural circuits that influence survival and stress mechanisms, thereby normalizing sensory perception, detoxification, immune function, and inflammatory responses.

Annie Hopper Pdf

Limbic System Retraining is an accumulative practice. The more you do it the better it gets.

For best results a commitment of daily practice over a consecutive six month period is required to better establish and reinforce changes.

Seminar venues are chosen with environmental awareness, along with a strict “no chemicals” guideline for all participants to ensure comfort and safety for those who are severely chemically intolerant. Class sizes are limited to twenty participants per seminar.

Annie Hopper Program

Conditions that have been positively impacted using DNRS™:

  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome
  • Chronic Pain
  • Gulf War Syndrome
  • Anxiety
  • Food Sensitivities
  • Postural Orthostatic
  • Tachycardia Syndrome

WebsiteOnline VersionHopper on MCSRecommended BookVideo Testimonials

Upcoming Workshops A listing of workshops being held worldwide this year.

DNRS™ Support Forum with Annie Hopper Request access to the online forum here.

Planet Thrive Support Group Active forum open only to those who have already taken the workshop or purchased the DVD program.

Annie Hopper Scam

Additional Support There are currently four Certified DNRS™ Coaches on staff to assist Annie with providing DNRS™ support:

Annie Hopper Dnrs

Christine Lindberg joined the DNRS team having recovered from post trauma and anxiety issues, chronic joint pain, fatigue and digestive issues through DNRS. Christine is passionate and eager to now help others regain their health, and be set free from the devastating impact of chronic illness. Christine has been an adult educator and group facilitator for over 20 years. She has a B.A. in Human and Social Development with a focus in youth and family counseling as well as a Bachelor of Education. She is thrilled to bring these skills to her role as a Dynamic Neural Retraining Instructor and DNRS Coach.

Annie Hopper Programs

Michelle Bubnis Michelle Bubnis joined the DNRS team after recovering from electrical hypersensitivity and chemical sensitivity. Michelle has 21 years of experience as a teacher, counselor and school administrator. With a BS in life science and a masters degree in education with an emphasis in counseling, she is eager to bring her skills to the DNRS program.
Alita Hetland is a successful graduate of the Dynamic Neural Retraining System and no longer suffers from a limbic system disorder – an issue that plagued her for over 20 years. For Alita, this impairment manifested as symptoms of fatigue, nausea, shakiness, reactivity to chemicals, heightened sense of smell and lack of mental clarity associated with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Alita had been to see countless of well-meaning specialists throughout the years, however they were not able to assist her in a full recovery. Thrilled to have finally found the answer, Alita is excited to be able to assist others on their path to wellness and honored to be a DNRS Coach. She also works as a career counselor assisting clients in overcoming their barriers and developing their individual path to achieving their goals.
Prior to DNRS, Jana Smith had suffered from Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue, Migraines, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Anxiety, Depression, and severe Food Sensitivities. Jana even grew all of her own food, yet still she was sick. Nothing offered hope until she found the Dynamic Neural Retraining System in 2013. Jana has a Bachelor of Science in Health Education with a minor in Biology, and a Master of Arts in Teaching Health Education. She taught High School Health, Anatomy and Physiology, and Health Occupations for a few years before starting a family. To read Jana’s recovery story, please go to: Jana is not accepting new clients at this time.

Annie Hopper

Annie Hopper, founder of the Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ is a Limbic System Retraining and Rehabilitation Specialist who has been in the health and wellness field for over twenty years. Hopper is an expert in the field of acquired limbic system brain injuries and neuroplasticity.

As a keynote speaker at a national Brain Injury Conference in June 2009, Annie delivered ground breaking research on “Acquired Toxic Brain Injuries and Neuroplasticity.”
Annie was also a guest speaker at the American Academy of Environmental Medicine 2013 Scientific Conference and the Canadian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association.

Annie had her own first hand experience of impaired limbic system function and how devastating it can be. In 2005, at the peak of her overflowing counselling practice, she developed severe and disabling Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) from working in a sick building, which progressed to include Fibromyalgia (FM) and Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS).

Annie is now completely recovered from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome and Fibromyalgia through self-directing neuroplastic changes in the Limbic System. She now travels internationally to bring these tools to patients who suffer from Limbic System Impairments like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME), Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Electric Hypersensitivity, Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and associated Depression.

Her work on neuroplasticity and the limbic system has caught the interest of Dr. Norman Doidge a leading medical researcher in neuroplasticity and author of the best-selling book, 'The Brain That Changes Itself'. By invitation, Annie met with Dr. Doidge in early 2010 to present her findings and discuss her work in helping patients recover through neuroplasticity.

In addition to being a Brain Retraining Specialist and Environmental Advocate, Annie also has years of experience as a Core Belief Counsellor, Life Coach, Workshop Facilitator, Keynote Speaker, Newspaper Columnist and featured guest as an Emotional Wellness Expert on talk radio.

With a deep understanding of illness and brain function, today Annie provides a wide range of programs and services to facilitate healing for others. Through limbic system neuro rehabilitation programs, counselling services, writing and keynote speeches, Annie provides vital, ground-breaking information and tools for recovery.

Alita Hetland

Alita Hetland is a successful graduate of the Dynamic Neural Retraining System and no longer suffers from a limbic system disorder - an issue that plagued her for over 20 years.

For Alita, this impairment manifested as symptoms of fatigue, nausea, shakiness, reactivity to chemicals, heightened sense of smell and lack of mental clarity associated with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Alita had been to see countless of well-meaning specialists throughout the years, however they were not able to assist her in a full recovery.
Thrilled to have finally found the answer, Alita is excited to be able to assist others on their path to wellness and honored to be a DNRS Coach .

Alita is passionate about personal growth and healing. She also works as a career counselor assisting clients in overcoming their barriers and developing their individual path to achieving their goals.
Alita has a background in Fine Arts, graduating from San Diego State University, as well as a B.A. in Advertising Arts from The Advertising Arts College. Alita has also been implementing the practice of Emotional Freedom Technique for herself and others for 10 years.
Alita operates from her base in California USA.

Christine Lindberg

Christine Lindberg joins the DNRS team having experienced healing from limbic system impairment not only for herself, but for others in her family as well. Her oldest son, now 22 years old, has experienced full recovery from symptoms related to long-term chronic Lyme disease, including food sensitivities, digestive and sleep issues, temperature regulation, anxiety, OCD tendencies and fatigue.
Inspired by the incredible healing accessed through the Dynamic Neural Retraining program, Christine is passionate and eager to now help others regain their health, and be set free from the devastating impact of chronic illness.
Christine has been an adult educator and group facilitator for over 20 years, and is thrilled to bring these skills to her role as a Dynamic Neural Retraining Facilitator and DNRS Coach.
She lives in Alberta, Canada with her husband and two sons.

Jana Smith

Prior to DNRS, Jana had suffered from Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue, Migraines, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Anxiety, Depression, and severe Food Sensitivities. Jana even grew all of her own food, yet still she was sick.
Nothing offered hope until she found the Dynamic Neural Retraining System in 2013.

Jana has a BS in Health Education with a minor in Biology, and a Master of Arts in Teaching Health Education. She taught High School Health, Anatomy and Physiology, and Health Occupations for a few years before starting a family.
To read Jana's recovery story, please go to:

Lauren Dinkel
Lauren Dinkel made a full recovery within a year of attending the Dynamic Neural Retraining System seminar in 2013. She recovered from debilitating Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Pollen-Food Allergy Syndrome, Sleep Disorders, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Depression and Anxiety. These conditions had previously limited her to a reclining wheelchair.

While Lauren studied engineering at the University of Colorado, she contracted mononucleosis which impaired her body's ability to regulate her heart rate and blood pressure. Extreme physical discomfort left her unable to sit upright or stand for more than a few moments. During this time, Lauren saw over 30 specialists which included two stays at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Unfortunately, many of the recommended treatments caused further nervous system activation resulting in exacerbated chronic widespread pain, extreme fatigue, an inability to achieve restful sleep, severe hypersensitivity to light, sound, and motion, and a number of persistent infections.

However, after attending the program's in-person seminar, she resumed a normal and active life within a year - wheelchair free! Formerly restricted to a dozen non-reactive foods, she eats all her favorite foods once again. And if that wasn't enough, Lauren and her husband recently welcomed a new member to their family, a very healthy and happy little boy.

Lauren is a DNRS Community Forum Moderator. To learn more about her recovery story, visit Lauren's website at

Lauren's featured story and recovery using DNRS can be seen here.

Annie Hopper

Imagine that you have an illness that prevents you from even being able to hug your own mother. It also prevents you from working, hanging out with your friends, going to church, shopping, talking on a phone or using a computer. Merely walking by someone who is wearing perfume or cologne might cause you to have seizures. Now imagine what it would be like to become homeless. Neither the medical community nor government has any idea how to help you, nor is a hospital a safe place or refuge for you.

That is what life was like for me when I had debilitating severe Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Electrical Sensitivities. At its worst, the chemicals found in common, everyday household cleaners, personal hygiene products and perfumes would cause me to have seizure-like reactions.

I started to become chemically sensitive back in early 2005 due in part to exposure to toxins in a “sick building” where I had rented office space for my busy counselling practice as a Core Belief Counsellor. I also write a weekly newspaper column and was a regular featured guest on local talk radio. My life was in full bloom until everything came crashing to an abrupt halt.

In effect when I became sick I not only became homeless, but I had to let go of everything that gave me any sort of comfort and security in life. I left my home, my job, my partner, my friends, and in the process almost lost my faith. How to install add ins in excel for mac office 365.

My family doctor did not know what to suggest beyond referring me to an allergist and suggesting that I avoid the things that made me react. Anyone who lives with severe Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) knows that avoidance translates to barricading yourself like a prisoner within your own home – if you’re lucky enough to still have a home.

I intuitively knew that MCS was not an allergy, but rather some kind of brain injury.

Trauma in all of its various forms - whether it is physical like a chemical injury, car accident or viral infection, and emotional or psychological trauma – has an accumulative damaging effect on the brain and alters brain function.

As a result, brain synapses do not fire properly. The brain goes into a high alert status or a chronic fight or flight response and sends alert messages to cells in other systems of the body. This results in a host of various physical, emotional and mental ailments or conditions.

When your brain does not work properly, your body and mind do not work properly.

In my search for answers I exhausted alternative therapies that focused on MCS as a toxic overload syndrome. Toxic overload is indeed associated with MCS; however I believe it is merely another symptom of a much bigger problem.

It was not until I rewired my limbic system, that I was able to successfully eliminate symptoms of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Fibromyalgia (FM), and Electric Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS). Within a short period of time my sense of smell and taste returned to normal. I no longer have the feeling that I am constantly being poisoned or injured by my environment. Chronic joint and muscle pain are completely eliminated and my body feels healthy and strong. My body no longer goes into “reaction mode” with exposure to chemicals or electro magnetic fields and I am able to fully participate in life in whatever way that I choose, without limitation. As a result of the knowledge that I have acquired throughout the course of illness, I still choose to live my life with a high degree of environmental awareness.

The brain has an innate ability to rapidly change and heal itself, otherwise known as neuroplasticity. In fact every second there are one million synapses firing in your brain. This extraordinary, internal healing mechanism is discussed in the book “The Brain That Changes Itself” by Dr. Norman Doidge. Neuroplasticity was also a featured topic recently in David Suzuki’s program The Nature of Things. The discovery that the brain is adaptable and regenerative is the biggest breakthrough in neuroscience in four hundred years.

Creating positive neuroplastic changes has also been successfully involved in treatment and recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Anxiety Disorders, Chronic Pain Syndromes and Depression.

The brain is far more capable of adapting and regenerating then we thought. It is also involved in all aspects of health, not just brain function. We are truly on the leading edge of a new science in discovering not only how the brain functions, but also its role in optimal health and understanding its wondrous capacity to heal.

Since 2008 I have been travelling internationally to assist others in healing. The Dynamic Neural Retraining System™ focuses on how to manually rewire the limbic system and restore optimal brain function, health and vitality.

My vision is to facilitate global healing while also promoting environmental awareness that precipitates big changes in how we live on this planet. My intent is to empower you with the knowledge and tools that you need to retrain your brain, transform your health and reclaim your life! Together we can create a unified and strong voice for much needed change in the world!

Keep the Faith!

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