Rtty On Cocoamodem For Mac

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cocoaModem Accessibility

Kok Chen, W7AY[w7ay (at) arrl (dot) net]
Last updated: April 19, 2012

CocoaModem 1.03 for Mac can be downloaded from our software library for free. The software lies within Internet & Network Tools, more precisely Network tools. The latest installer takes up 2.9 MB on disk. Our antivirus analysis shows that this Mac download is virus free. This Mac application was originally designed by w7ay.cocoaModem-2. When Direct Frequency Access (Command-Shift-F keyboard shortcut) is selected, cocoaModem brings up a small window that includes a text field. If Voice Assist is turned on, cocoaModem will announce 'Enter Frequency, ending with a carriage return.' Marked as deleteon the Mac. To get the traditional Delete function on the Mac, press and hold the fn(function) key while pressing the deletekey, and you'll delete the character to the right of the cursor. Instead of pressing ctrland the x, c, and vkeys for cut.

Index (User's Manual - Speech)
General Information
Aural Monitor
Accessibility(Incremental Speak and Voice Assist)
Rtty On Cocoamodem For Mac
RTTY Interfaces
PSK Interface
MFSK Interface
Hellschreiber Interface
CW Interface
ASCII InterfaceRtty On Cocoamodem For Mac

Rtty On Cocoamodem For Mac Free

SITOR-B Receiver

Rtty Mac

HF-FAX Receiver
Part II


cocoaModem augments vision accessibility in Mac OS X by including the
Incremental SpeakandForVoice Assistfunctions. Mac OS X's VoiceOver is augmented with a word-by-word and letter-by-letter incremental text-to-speech function that automatically speaks or spells a new word when it is received or transmitted.
The cocoaModem Speech function is set up from the Speech tab of the Preference Panel.

Three voices are selectable for use by cocoaModem's Incremental Speak function. They are used to speak the words that are received or transmitted by cocoaModem. The three voices are common to the PSK31 interface, the RTTY interfaces, the MFSK (MFSK16 and Domino EX) interface, the ASCII interface and the SITOR-B interface. The Basic RTTY Modem and the MFSK modems do not have a Sub Receiver textview and the SITOR-B interface does not have a Transmitter textview.
In addition, you can choose a fourth voice for the Voice Assist function.
Incremental Speak
When text is printed to the receive textviews, each word is spoken when a word break is found (space or newline). An extra character is needed after a period punctuation to properly handle words such as 'qrz.com' which are handled as a single spoken sequence.
Many ham abbreviations are converted to 'natural language.' For example, 'de' is spoken as 'from,' 'hw?' is spoken as 'how copy?', 'pse' is spoken as 'please,' 'btu' is spoken as 'back to you,' etc. The conversion can be disabled by selecting the Verbatim checkboxes shown in the figure above.
Words that contain both letters and digits are automatically spelled out as individual characters. This causes all active amateur call signs to be spoken as individual letters and digits.
You can customize how a word is enunciated with an Enunciate.txt file. Each line of the text file starts with the word that is modified before it is sent to the Mac OS X speech synthesizer. The rest of the line (separated from the word with a single space) contains the string that is sent to the synthesizer. The following shows an example of such a file:

Note that you can include punctuations, such as a comma to place very short pauses, in between elements that are sent to the speech synthesizer.
Enunciate.txt (note the capitalization) should be stored in the cocoaModem folder in the Application Support folder that is in your home directory's Library Folder.
cocoaModem's Incremental Speak function can be temporarily disabled with a keyboard shortcut (Command-U) that is associated with the Mute menu item in the Speech menu of cocoaModem's main menu bar.

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Transmitted voice is spoken when the word is transmitted over the air, not when it is entered into the transmitter textview.
Incremental Speak can be toggled by using the Command-L keyboard shortcut to spell out words and numbers as individual letters and digits.
Voice Assist
The Voice Assist function is toggled from the menu item in the same Speech menu shown above. Voice Assist provides some additional voice functionality in the cocoaModem PSK31 TableView and in the QSO call sign and name fields.
Voice Assist will announce 'Voice Assist On' and 'Voice Assist Off' when it is toggled (Command-Shift-V keyboard shortcut). Please note that Voice Assist works independently from the Incremental Speak function; it is not muted by the Speech Mute (Command-U) command. The voice used by Voice Assist is chosen in the cocoaModem Speech Preferences.
The state of Voice Assist is saved to the plist. If it is on when cocoaModem is launched, you will hear the 'Voice Assist On' message after cocoaModem finishes launching.
Direct Tuning with Voice Assist

Voice Assist helps with using the keyboard to tune to a frequency in the waterfall. This removed the need to click on a waterfall to select a frequency to transmit on. Direct tuning works with the waterfalls that are in the PSK, RTTY, MFSK, CW, SITOR and HF-FAX interfaces.

Rtty For Mac

When Direct Frequency Access (Command-Shift-F keyboard shortcut) is selected, cocoaModem brings up a small window that includes a text field. If Voice Assist is turned on, cocoaModem will announce 'Enter Frequency, ending with a carriage return.'
At that point, each digit that is typed will be echoed back by Voice Access.
A period can be used as a decimal point to get finer resolution than one Hertz. When a carriage return is hit, the accumulated number between 400 Hz and 2400 Hz is used to select a frequency on the waterfall, and Voice Assist will speak the selected frequency by announcing 'Tune to XXX Hertz,' where XXX is the frequency.
If a frequency outside the 400-2400 Hz range is entered, Voice Assist will say 'Frequency out of range, unchanged at YYY Hertz,' where YYY is the previously selected frequency.
If 0 is entered in Direct Frequency Access, the modem will be turned off until a new frequency is selected.
Direct Frequency Readout with Voice Assist

Speak Current Frequency (Command-Option-F) causes Voice Assist to read the frequency that is selected in the waterfall. If the modem is previously turned off (the PSK modem is turned off when cocoaModem launches), Voice Assist will say 'Modem Turned Off.'
Modem Selection with Voice Assist
Modems can be selected with keyboard shortcuts. Select Next Modem (Command-Option-Shift-N) in the Interface Menu moves to the next modem in the cocoaModem tabview. Select Previous Modem (Command-Option-Shift-P) moves to the previous modem in the tabview. When you move pass one end of the tabs, the modem at the opposite end will be chosen in a circular fashion.
If Voice Assist is turned on, the name of the selected modem is spoken.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts with the PSK Table View
When the 'Select Next Station in TableView' (Command-Period keyboard shortcut) or 'Select Previous Station in TableView' (Command-Shift-Period keyboard shortcut) is selected in the Interface Menu, cocoaModem tunes the PSK31 interface to a new signal, cocoaModem will speak the audio offset frequency if Voice Assist is turned on. The spoken frequency corresponds to the audible pitch from the PSK31 carrier. Please note that this is not necessarily the offset frequency shown in the Table View -- it is only identical if you are using upper sideband and zero VFO offset in the PSK configuration.
When the TableView is empty, Voice Assist will speak 'No signal.'
QSO Callsign and Name with Voice Assist
The QSO Callsign and QSO Name fields can be directly selected by using the Command-Option-C and Command-Option-N keyboard shortcuts, respectively. The fields are also cleared when selected; this allows you to immediately typing their contents after using the keyboard shortcuts to select the fields.

If Voice Assist is turned on, each character that is entered by keyboard into these fields are spoken back. No carriage return is needed since the next time the callsign and name macros are use, they will pick up the entire contents of these two fields.
Alerts with Voice Assist
When Voice Assist is turned on, Alerts will not show up in a modal window. Instead, the title of the alert is spoken. The details of the alert can subsequently be spoken by selecting the Speak Alert Info menu item (Command-Option-I).


Start 2011 with one of the most enjoyable contests on the calendar: The ARRL RTTY Roundup, January 8 and 9. The goal is simple: make as many contacts as possible!

While any digital mode can be used in during the Roundup (including PSK31), radio teletype, better known as RTTY, is the undisputed king of this event. You won’t need to shout into a microphone or master high-speed CW to participate. If you can type – even slowly – on a computer keyboard, you’re more than qualified to try the RTTY Roundup.

Nyc facade inspection. From a hardware and software standpoint, you’ll need the following:

--An HF SSB transceiver

--A computer

--An interface to pass the audio and keying signals back and forth between the computer and the radio.

--Contest software with RTTY capability, or just a stand-alone RTTY program.

You can build your own interface and make the connections to your transceiver’s microphone jack or rear-panel accessory jack. Go to the AA5AU RTTY page and you’ll find instructions on how to build a simple interface. Alternatively, you can buy one off the shelf (ask for express shipping to get the interface to you in time) from your favorite dealer, or directly from manufacturers such asMFJ, West Mountain Radio, TigerTronics, microHAM, RigExpert and others.

Stand-alone RTTY software is free. It works with your sound card to decode the distinctive blee-blee-blee sounds of RTTY into text, and it generates RTTY sound for transmission as well. Windows users will want to check out MMTTY or Fldigi. Mac operators will want to download Cocoamodem. For Linux there is a version of Fldigi as well.

If you want the Full Monty – contest logging software with RTTY built in – there isWriteLog for Windows. You may also want to check out N1MM Logger. It has the ability to incorporate MMTTY. Both of these packages will log all your contacts and alert you if a station is a “dupe” – a duplicate contact, one you’ve already worked.

Don’t wait until the morning of the contest to set up your equipment. Start gathering your tools now so that you have plenty of time to test your station and understand the software. Every RTTY program supports macros that will transmit pre-programmed text messages at the press of a single key. They are true sanity savers when it comes to digital contesting. Create the following software macros for your station. I’ll use my call sign and state (Connecticut) in these examples and assume we’re using the F keys along the top of your keyboard. The codes for beginning and ending transmission will vary according to the software you’ve chosen.

Rtty On Cocoamodem For Macbook Pro

F1: <begin transmission> WB8IMY WB8IMY WB8IMY <end transmission>

(Use this to answer a CQ or QRZ?)

F2: <begin transmission> 599 CT CT WB8IMY K <end transmission>

(You’ve been heard and the station has sent his part of the exchange. Tap this key to reply with your information. Notice that I am sending my state abbreviation twice, just to make sure he copies it correctly.)

F3: <begin transmission> My state CT CT CT CT WB8IMY K <end transmission>

(Keep this macro handy in case the station sends “STATE?” or “AGAIN?”. That’s a sure sign that he is having difficulty copying you.)

These three macros are all you need for “hunting and pouncing” as you tune through the cacophony of RTTY signals. If you are new to RTTY contesting, hunting and pouncing is the easiest way to start. You simply tune from one RTTY signal to another, waiting for the opportunity to strike. Stations may solicit contacts by sending “CQ RU” or “CQ Test.” Or you may tune across a station that is just finishing a contact. When you see something like “TU WB8IMY QRZ” on your screen, its time to jab the macro button!

Rtty On Cocoamodem For Mac Os

If you want to try calling CQ yourself, you’ll need a few more macros to handle the exchanges – and nerves of steel if you happen to live in a “rare” state such as Delaware, Wyoming, North Dakota, Hawaii, etc. You may suddenly find yourself on the business end of a pileup!

Rtty On Cocoamodem For Mac Os

The contest kicks off at 1800 UTC on Saturday and ends at 2400 UTC Sunday. You’ll find the complete rules here.

During the daylight hours you’ll find most of the Roundup action between 14.075 and 14.120 MHz. But don’t neglect 15 meters (between roughly 21.075 to 21.110 MHz) or 10 meters below about 28.100 MHz. If propagation is favorable, these bands could be hot.

As night falls, shift your attention to 40 meters between 7.040 and 7.100 MHz as well as 80 meters between 3.570 and 3.600 MHz.

You do not have to be a “big gun” station to have fun in the RTTY Roundup. Every contact counts as a point, so even the big guns are more than happy to add your call sign to their logs. In the space of 24 hours you’ll work DX and possibly gather contacts with enough US States to qualify for a Worked All States award. Best of all, you’ll be able to look back through your log and see how your station performed as propagation conditions changed, or as you tried a different antenna (contests are terrific for testing station performance).

The RTTY Roundup is “family friendly,” too. If you’re a casual contester, you can start and stop at any time. And if you’re operating late at night, slip on a pair of headphones and enjoy the music of RTTY. Your loved ones will drift off to sleep hearing nothing more than the soft patter of keyboard keys.

By Steve Ford, WB8IMY, QST Editor

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