Skyrim Special Edition Legendary Skills

A werewolf not taking any shit. This is a great build for those hack and slashers out.

  1. In Skyrim, character levels are gained by leveling up one's Skills. When all skills reach 100, the character can no longer gain character levels (this occurs at level 81). Making skills Legendary allows skill leveling to continue, which in turn allows character level to continue to rise.
  2. Legend achievement in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Defeat a Legendary Dragon - worth 40 Gamerscore. Find guides to this achievement here.
  3. If you have a patched version of the game (or the Legendary Edition or Special Edition) you might as well follow the light armor path: “Steel Smithing”, “Elven Smithing”, “Advanced Armors”, “Glass Smithing” and “Dragon Armor” to get the superior Dragonbone weapons and excellent Dragonscale Armor, the latter of which allows.
  4. A compilation package called The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Legendary Edition was released on June 4, 2013. It contains the version 1.9 patch and the three expansions, along with the main game. On June 4, 2016, Bethesda announced The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Special Edition, a remaster for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows.

Always seen as the dark arts of Elder Scrolls games, Thief skills are, in fact, surprisingly applicable to most playthroughs in Skryim, and maxing your Lockpicking, Pickpocket, Sneak and Speech skills - or at least quickly levelling them to a certain perk you have your eye on, like Extra Pockets, can be massivley helpful.


Here, we'll be talking you through the best ways to max your Thief skills in Skyrim as quickly and efficiently as possible - but we also strongly recommend you take a look at our Skyrim power-levelling hub page and our Crafting skills guide in particular, for some extremely helpful tips for speeding up the process.

The fastest way to max level Lockpicking and Pickpocketing

How to reach level 100 Lockpicking

Lockpicking and Pickpocket are two skills which often go hand-in-hand - probably because, to gain access to locked doors, there's normally a choice available to the player: lockpick the lock, or pickpocket the key.

  • Lockpicking experience is granted for two things: succesfully opening locks, whereby experience is levelled according to the difficulty of the lock, or by breaking lockpicks, which gives a smaller, flat amount of experience regardless of the lock difficulty.
  • To level Lockpicking then, you can either head to a location which has a large number of difficult locks to open, such as the Dwemer Museum in Markarth, or you can simply find a lock where the starting position won't open it, buy a huge amount of lockpicks, and get breaking.
  • Breaking huge numbers of lockpicks is, we believe, the slightly faster option overall. You can buy lickpicks from Thieves Guild members and fences, or alternatively you can in fact use the Skeleton Key, awarded from a latter quest in the Thieves Guild storyline - which we explain how to start in our Faction quests guide - which is unbreakable, but still awards experience for 'failed' attempts to pick a lock.

How to reach level 100 Pickpocket

Pickpocket is one of the harder skills to power-level, but it's also one of the fastest to level up in terms of the experience you gain from each attempt.. if you get it right.

  • The amount of experience gained from pickpocketing and item is based on that item's value, rather than anything like weight or percentage chance of success.
  • Bearing that in mind, the most efficient items to steal are gems and jewelry, as they're high in value but low in weight - which means a higher chance to steal, as weight determines difficulty.
  • One mini-exploit for levelling Pickpocket is to repeatedly steal the Strange Amulet from Calixto Corrium, during the quest Blood on the Ice, as you can immediaely re-sell the amulet to Calixto for 500 gold - which is also one of several great ways to earn gold in Skyrim.
  • Another slightly cheesy way to level Pickpocket is to use the age-old exploit of purchasing Pickpocket training from a trainer, and then stealing your money back. This levels the skill in two ways at once, but will slow down significantly at higher levels.

The fastest way to max level Sneak and Speech

How to reach level 100 Sneak

Sneak is another tricky one to level up without an exploit, but fortunately there are a few things to bear in mind which can make it a little easier for you.

  • Sneak experience is awarded for being undetected in sneak mode, and for landing sneak attacks. Sneak attacks grant the most XP, based on the damage dealt, whilst sneaking near hostile enemies or NPCs with items they own nearby will level you faster than sneaking near a friendly or neutral NPC.
  • The fastest way to level, then, is to fully land a sneak power attack combo on a durable NPC like Shadowmere.
  • You can also level your Sneak to 100 during the game's tutorial section - although this will leave you drastically under-levelled for combat against your enemies - by walking into a wall near the bear in the tutorial cave. The good ol' fashioned rubber band trick, or a weight on your W key, can let you do this while AFK if you really want to.
  • Goldenglow Estate's external area, which is full of guards - providing you don't kill them during the Thieves Guild quest - is a great area to sneak around amidst multiple holstile enemies. Forts occupied by bandits or the Thalmor are another option.
Skyrim legendary skills worth it

From visual upgrades, to console mods and levelling skills.

Want more help with Skyrim? Find out how to join every guild and faction, how to earn Gold fast, learning about XP and levelling to 100, max Crafting skills, max Warrior skills, max Thief skills and max Mage skills, how to get married, where to buy a house, how to start Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn DLC expansions. If you're on PC, we have a list of console commands and cheats, and you can learn about the remastered version and how to install mods with our Skyrim guide. Finally, with Switch owners, we have Skyrim amiibo support explained to help unlock special Zelda-themed items.

How to reach level 100 Speech

Finally, yet another difficult to grind skill, Speech. Formerly Speechcraft, Speech is based on your verbal interactions with NPCs. Fortunately again, we've managed to gather a few tricks for levelling it up with relative ease.

  • Speech is levelled by buying and selling items, and successfully using the Persuade, Indimidate, and Bribe dialogue options.
  • Buying and selling items levels Speech according to the item's value, and will only every grant you experience for one item per transaction - meaning you should always sell items one at a time if you want to raise your Speech level.
  • One method is to buy training from trainer-merchants, who also buy and sell goods, and who will then have far higher gold reserves for buying your more expensive items.
  • If you have a large amount of gold saved up, you can sell and re-buy your most expensive items, which, bearing the markups in mind, will leave the merchant with a massively increased stash of gold for puchasing. Then, you can sell huge amounts of items - remembering to do so one at a time - to level up your Speech. This complements your Enchanting skill levelling particualrly well, as with that method you'll have huge numbers of enchanted items to sell, too.
  • Finally, there is a Speech exploit involving a dialogue loop with a shop-keeping in Riften. Head to the Black-Briar Meadery just north of the town and talk to Ungrien. Select the 'Tell me about Maven Black-Briar' dialogue option, and after heading through all the chit-chat the 'Come on, get the truth off your chest. (Persuade)' option, which will soon take you back to the start of the conversation and round in an infinite loop. This is, probably, the fastest way to level the skill, although technically an exploit rather than an intentional mechanic.

The remastered edition of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim may bring with it a host of players brand new to the game. With that in mind, we scoured our own The Elder Scrolls wiki and found a helpful Skyrim Special Edition Starter Guide put together by the community there. All credit goes to their editors. Below you can find what they think is the most valuable information. For expanded versions of these tips, and even more great Skyrim advice, head over to the full overview on the wiki.

Choose Your Race According to Playstyle

Before you choose a race, check out the differences between them and imagine which one best suits your playstyle. Even though Skyrim is not a game that locks you in the choice, you will still find it a lot better to make the right choice at the beginning. For example, if you prefer a tank/melee warrior, you may want to consider Breton, since their ability Resist Magic 25% would be helpful. Or if you prefer to stick to the shadows, the Bosmer (or Wood Elves) have skills particularly well suited for thief builds.

Visit the Guardian Stones

You encounter the Guardian Stones shortly after you escape Helgen, and you need to make sure you don’t miss finding them. There are three stones (The Mage Stone, The Thief Stone, and The Warrior Stone), each granting a 20% reduction in the time it takes to level up skills associated with that class. You can work on all your skills simply by fast-traveling from Whiterun to the Guardian Stones and back to switch from Warrior Stone (because you were maybe smithing some gold rings) to the Mage Stone (because you want to enchant those rings). Or, if a quest calls for stealth, it’s equally simple to tap the Thief Stone so that set of skills gets a speed boost in leveling up.

Conjure Up One of the Game’s Most Powerful Bows

There’s a Bound Bow tome in Fort Amol, and the only thing standing between an early-level Dragonborn and pure sniping satisfaction are a few novice spellcasters. Even if you’re not planning to be primarily a ranged fighter, the Daedric bow summoned by the Bound Bow spell is one of the most powerful bows in the game, so it is certainly worth picking up. You’ll need to improve your Conjuration skill to use the spell, so be sure to check the full guide for tips on easy ways to do that.

To find the spell tome, head to Fort Amol, which is about two-thirds of the way on the Whiterun-to-Ivarstead road that runs clockwise around the Throat of the World. As you enter the interior of Fort Amol Prison from Fort Amol’s exterior courtyard, immediately ahead of you is a spellcaster sitting at a desk. Dispose of him as quietly as you can, because there’s another spellcaster in a nearby room who is standing by to rush to your victim’s aid. Once you’ve dealt with the immediate danger(s), look to the right of the right-hand bookcase behind the desk. See that bucket with the lantern in it? Under that lantern is the Bound Bow tome.

It Pays to Be Sneaky

Skyrim Special Edition Legendary Skills Mod

Having a high Sneak skill makes life much easier in Skyrim. Even if you are a heavily armored melee machine, there are times when sneaking will help get you past a difficult situation. It can also help in scoring some sweet loot (more on that below). Sneaking also serves as a built-in radar. The open eye symbol will alert you to any enemies that can see you and prevents from them getting the drop on you.

The easiest way to build up your Sneak skill is to constantly sneak while traveling. Here are some other good ways to improve Sneak:

  • The rubber band method: Sneak behind a bartender in any local tavern and place a rubber band on your controller stick to keep your character walking into a corner or wall while remaining hidden. Then just walk away and do something else. It will take a few hours, but your Sneak skill will slowly build over time.
  • Don’t poke the bear: You can use the same method as above to sneak around the bear you encounter while escaping from Helgen.
  • Sneak attack the Greybeards: The Greybeards in High Hrothgar are a great way to simultaneously improve Sneak and your combat skills. Just sneak up behind them and attack. They won’t die and won’t attack back if you don’t do this too often.
  • The full Sneak page on the wiki contains tons of other ways to quickly build up this skill.

Having a high Sneak rating will help when it comes to the next tip… Cara mendapatkan phalanx harvest moon light of hope quest.

Steal a Horse

One of the joys of Skyrim is exploring the vast map to find all of the different waypoints — location markers on your map that you can later fast-travel to. However, walking long distances to get to an out-of-the-way cave can be tiring and dangerous… unless you have a horse. Horses are faster, sturdier, and can climb rocky mountains better than you. Trying to get to that dragon lair high atop that craggy peak? A horse can usually get you there.

Early on, you can steal a horse from the Whiterun Stables quite easily. There’s one in a stall and there’s an empty stall next to him. Even with the poor sneak skills you have early in the game, you can open the gate to the empty stall, sneak around behind the horse, wait until your sneak-eye indicator says “hidden”, and then hop on and ride off into the sunset!

Bear in mind that if you dismount your stolen horse, it will immediately head back to the stable (at a walk, so you can run and catch him).

Actually, Just Steal as Much as You Can in General

Stealing in real life is bad. Stealing in The Elder Scrolls is a time-honored tradition and one of the easiest ways to collect crafting items for Alchemy and Smithing recipes. If you’re good enough, you can also steal some pretty powerful potions much earlier in the game than you would be able to craft them.

As long as you are hidden and nobody sees you, you can get away with stealing anything marked red without alerting the guards or placing a bounty on your head. Note that in the early game, it may be difficult to sell stolen goods until you find a proper fence, but you can absolutely still use these items for yourself.

Get Rich with the Transmute Spell

Transmute Mineral Ore is an Alteration Spell that allows you to convert iron ore into silver ore, and silver ore into gold ore. These higher value ores can be used to craft higher quality weapons and armor, or other items that can be sold for a tidy profit.

The Transmute Mineral Ore spell is available to you right away. Just visit Halted Stream Camp, north by northwest of Whiterun. In the mine, there is a Transmute spell book. It’s protected by bandits, but if you can lure some of them out of the camp (by galloping the stolen horse from the last entry in and right back out again, for example), you can pick them off one by one. You can then crouch behind some rocks up the hill from the camp entrance while the remaining bandits search for you inside. They will remain alerted, but won’t be able to find you … all the while your sneak skill improves quite rapidly.

Skyrim Legendary Vs Special Edition

Get Even Richer Using an Invisible Chest in Dawnstar

You can take a carriage from the Whiterun Stables to Dawnstar, a small village in the northwest of Skyrim. Behind The White Hall, near the entrance to the Iron-Breaker Mine are three rocks and some bushes. Poke around a bit until you see the “Open Chest” prompt. Voila! An instant source of several level-dependant weapons enchanted weapons, jewels, potions, gold, and more.

The chest belongs to the khajit trader, Ahkari, who camps outside Dawnstar and other cities. Apparently, Ahkari isn’t too concerned about people repeatedly stealing her wares. She will restock the contents of the chest every 48 hours if you find her and ask what she has for sale.

For the expanded Skyrim Special Edition Starter Guide, visit the Elder Scrolls Wiki. Once again, special thanks to the Elder Scrolls community members for putting together such as outstanding beginner’s guide to Skyrim.

Skyrim Best Skills To Legendary

Good luck on your journey, Dragonborn. Beware not to take an arrow in the knee!

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